Look, we’ve all been there — we’ve all made mistakes along the way. School, work, life. It happens. Right now, let’s take a different, more positive spin on this topic. For your consideration, here are 10 tips for the everyday man to take your game to the next level.
1. Do Size Down
Most men buy their clothing a size too big, and I’m honestly not sure why. Could it be the bigger, “masculine” illusion created by wearing a larger size, or the belief that fuller cuts make you more comfortable by hiding an unsightly paunch? It’s something men, particularly American men, do far too often. Sizing down can clean up your lines, regardless of your stature. If it’s too tight, trust me, you’ll know.
2. Do Invest in The Right Shoes
You spend hours on your feet, and they take a beating from it. Better quality shoes conform to your feet and become a part of you over time. They take a smarter polish, develop a unique character, and simply look better. The best can be resoled, so it’s not inconceivable to have a good pair for decades. That said, if you’re on the fence about purchasing, consider a less expensive pair to see if you like the style. If you end up liking it, then go ahead and invest in those Allen Edmonds.
3. Do Befriend Your Tailor
I’ve been fortunate to build a great community of guys out where I live, but my best friend(s) in the menswear world is my tailor shop. They know what I like, and they’re willing to work with me to achieve the signature style I’m going for. A good tailor can save you from needing to buy new garments, too. I’ve had jackets that fit in the shoulders but were like a tent across my midsection taken in to fit me beautifully. I’ve had trousers slimmed, tapered and, if there’s enough fabric, even let out a little to fit my quads.
4. Do Hit the Gym
When you’re in shape, things just fit better. Your clothes look better on you, and they look better in and of themselves. A blazer and slacks is a uniform for most dudes, but if you’re in shape, you’ll look better in it than the next guy.
5. Do Pay (or at Least Tip) in Cash
Stealing this one from Joe over at Dappered.com, but style is a little more than the clothes on your back — it’s how you carry and present yourself. Style is how you treat your peers, your associates, your family, and your service workers. I find cash to be a throwback, and my little way of disconnecting, even temporarily, from an increasingly digital world. Do pay for your $2.95 coffee in cash and keep the that local shop from getting dinged in Square POS fees. Your baristas will thank you.

6. Do Consider Getting Your Shirts Darted
Darting is the technique of tailoring a garment, like the sides of a shirt, to give it a more defined shape. Manufacturers are getting better with this, but still even many of the shirts labeled “slim fit” have quite a bit of excess fabric hanging around the sides. Your shirt shouldn’t be a compression top, but keeping excess fabric to a minimum really brings out that V-taper you’ve been working so hard for after Step 4.
7. Do Take Risks
Mix stripes and checks. Throw in a bright pocket square. Consider oxblood shoes. Style is an amusement park. Strap in and enjoy the ride. To read up more about pattern management, check this article out.
8. Do Resist Dry Cleaning…
There’s no worse crime foisted on the general populace than the notion that clothes should be dry cleaned after each wearing. The chemicals in the dry-cleaning process wreak havoc on your suits, particularly if they’re at least partially fused. Dry cleaning after a handful of wears extends the life of your garments, and your wallet will thank you! That said, if you drop spicy mustard on your pants, yeah, get them dry-cleaned. Otherwise, if a garment actually starts to smell, you (or your partner) will know.
9. Do Brush and Floss Your Teeth
Keeping those pearly-whites nice and bright matters more than you’d think. As someone whose day job involves meeting strangers, I can tell you this — a great way to disarm and make an acquaintance feel at ease is with a genuine smile.
10. Do Keep Things in Perspective
Style is a powerful tool. It can do wonders for your confidence, your personal life, and your professional life. Despite that, there definitely are bigger issues in this world than buying a 10 or a 10.5 in a pair of shoes or if your off-the-rack suit jacket has the occasional shoulder divot. Clothes do not maketh the man — what you say and do makes you.
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