Beards for Beginners: Tips for Growing a Beard with Anthony and Cremo

Tips for Growing a Beard

THIS is a disclaimer, because I legally have to tell you that I might have been paid to create this content. But, in all honesty, these words are my honest opinion — honestly!

After four years of growing, finding myself engaging in daily beard conversations comes as no surprise anymore. Everybody seems to have something to say about beards, whether it’s from experience or out of curiosity… or if somebody just really wants to touch it.

My beard began as a result of a busy life. In 2014, I was working 40 hours at Saks Fifth Avenue in Boston while trying to finish my undergrad at Emerson College. I was a commuter on the MBTA Red Line. I went to bed tired every night and woke up with a very minimal amount of time to get out in the morning.

It’s situations like this where you have to learn to cut some corners simply to take the edge off of the hectic schedule. One of those corners was shaving, and that’s when my bearded journey began.

Today, the question I get asked the most is “How do I grow a beard?” The best answer is time. But once you get going, there are things to look for along the way.

I’ve partnered with Cremo once again, one of my go-to grooming companies for beard products, to share with you 8 Tips I Wish I Knew Before I Grew My Beard.

1. Let It Grow

The biggest mistake people make when growing a beard for the first time is not letting the beard grow in its early stages. You have to let the facial hair grow with little maintenance for the first 6 to 8 weeks. It is tough, but be patient while it takes shape.

2. Neck and Cheek Lines

Once the beard has grown to a workable length, pay close attention to appropriately maintaining your neck and cheek line. Get this wrong and you’ll have a lopsided lineup. Attention to detail is pivotal for maintaining a well kept beard.

3. Washing Your Beard

Just like the hair on the top of your head, you need to wash your beard to keep it clean and healthy. Don’t rely on just showering and using the water from that to cleanse your beard, make sure to properly look after it with some beard care products. I LOVE the Cremo Beard & Face Wash in the Mint scent, specifically.

4. Beard Oil and Beard Balm

Beard oil and beard balm are important to keep a beard nourished, healthy and hydrated. When you first start to grow your beard you’ll undoubtedly suffer from beard itch at some point. I recommend using a beard oil when starting to hydrate the follicles of your beard area to severely help reduce that itch. Once you find some length to your beard, the balm comes in far handier for optimal sculpting.

5. Brush Your Beard

This is something you should do every single morning. Not only does it feel great, but brushing also helps to exfoliate the skin under your beard. I use the Cremo Boar Bristle Beard Brush and it’s probably my favorite thus far.

6. Diet and Exercise

Caring for your beard also comes from making sure you keep healthy by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising. Whether it’s just taking the stairs instead of the elevator, running, or going all out at the gym, try to work in about three hours of total physical activity in your week.

7. Eating with Your Beard

Another beard growth tip for beginners is knowing how to eat correctly with a beard. Make sure to take careful bites and have plenty of napkins to hand. I find wiping your mustache area side to side works best. It’s actually weird to talk about this but some of you reading this are going to know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.

8. Helping Others

Finally, always help other aspirational beard growers. You’ll get many questions from people asking for beard growth tips and how to grow a beard. Be a gentleman and help them out.

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Picture of Anthony Mastracci

Anthony Mastracci

Lover of pasta dishes and burritos equally.


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