Wherever I go, whenever I go there, I’ll likely bring a bottle of water with me. As far as I’m concerned it’s a best practice for being a human because it’s just simply great for your body. If you want specifics, you can look it up yourself.
Here’s something I will tell you: for years now, Nalgene, specifically, has been by my go-to when it comes to plastic water bottles. Their products are made in the USA and are constructed made of safe, recyclable materials that are BPA free. It also feels good to think that if you only use this bottle instead of a disposable bottle, you’ll be saving about 167 bottles from landfills.
“Yeah, and…?” Well let me tell you something, these things are really cool. When I first learned about Nalgene in high school, my buddy Mario told me they were indestructible. I didn’t believe him, so naturally he tossed his bottle as high as he could in the air and when it came CRASHING back down on the cement… nothing. Maybe a scratch. I was awestruck!
You’ve seen Nalgene before — they make those see through, colorful plastic water bottles at all the outdoor and sporting good stores. [FUN FACT] They were actually the first to make a colored water bottle! Their bottles come in multiple sizes, and now, DOZENS of fun colors, including a Marvel-inspired collection.
Nalgene traces its roots all the way back to the 1940’s after chemist Emanuel Goldberg created the first plastic pipette jars and thus began the Nalge Company. Decades later, the company’s labware scientists found bringing their leak-proof, lightweight bottles from work was convenient while hiking. Eventually, the trend caught on to outdoor subculture and the rest is history!
Recently, I got to partner with Nalgene to take a look at some of the new bottles from their outdoor inspired collection. It might sound silly, but I had a lot of fun choosing different bottles for different adventures and different times of day.
Point Dume State Beach – Malibu, CA
Aubergine – 32oz. Narrow Mouth

The sun was setting, so I reached for the beautiful purple, narrow mouth bottle to match the sky I was about to witness. It was a little bit cloudy, but the bottle blended in perfectly with the hue of the ocean!
On the beach, we actually met, what I’ve concluded with Google’s help, was a Hawaiian Monk Seal who seemed to be in distress! The cute little fella looked exhausted, but we couldn’t see visibly anything wrong with it, so we decided to just stay (kind of) close and talk to it a little bit. If it was in fact Hawaiian, there’s potential that he just finished a really long voyage which would explain the exhaustion.
Animal Rescue was called and they said they’d check up the next day.
Ziplines at Pacific Crest – Wrightwood, CA
Cerulean – 32oz. Wide Mouth

Cerulean, the color of the sea and the sky above it as well. I had to go zipping through the sky with this bottle fastened to my harness with a carabiner. Those trips are over three hours long, and even though there’s “no bathroom,” I still needed to stay hydrated!
If you haven’t been ziplining, it’s absolutely terrifying AND exhilarating at the same time. You’re putting your life in the hands of people you don’t know, but are still really cool. You zoom from hundreds of feet up in the air across tree canopies, completing obstacle after obstacle. You crush those zips fast — very fast. If you’re in the SoCal area, I highly suggest taking a look into Ziplines at Pacific Crest. Make sure Tessa and Sage are your instructors because they were wonderful and had great dad jokes.
Malibu Pier – Malibu, CA
Clementine – 32oz. Wide Mouth

With the sun out and beaming down, I had to bring the Clementine with me to match the warmth of the landscape, which happened to be the Malibu Pier and the Malibu Farm Cafe. I was able to snag this shot just as the sun was shining through a small window in the upstairs seating area as I was eating a fantastic BLT — highly recommend it if you’re ever around there.
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