Getting Active Again with Nokia

Nokia Steel HR styled with a dress/casual outfit. © TNG

There are good and bad feelings I experience after pulling my head away from my MacBook to realize the sun has punched out for the day. “I got a lot of work done today,” I think to myself, feeling good about staying focused. But that sense of accomplishment is immediately met with the harsh realization that I sat on my ass all damn day and didn’t go outside once.

As I get older, I seem to spend more time on my ass, and because of that, my belly grows instead of my brain. Living in Los Angeles, there is literally NO excuse to not go outside to play or exercise, so this year I decided to try my best to change this behavior. I’ve always said new running shoes help encourage this, but recently I’ve found that Nokia’s new activity tracker is all the encouragement I need.

That’s right — NOKIA. The same brand that made your very first brick of a cell phone.

Nokia Steel HR styled with a dress/casual outfit. © TNG

Recently, I partnered with Nokia to try out their brand new Steel HR activity tracking watch. Before trying the Steel HR, I had been vehemently against any wearable wrist-tech because of the love for my vast watch collection. After wearing this new piece by Nokia, I’m proud to say it’s satisfying both my passion for style as well as my itch to better my activity routine.

Nokia Steel HR styled with a dress/casual outfit. © TNG

The Steel HR has some pretty handy digital display features for both daily activities and life. The device itself tracks heart rate, distance, steps, calorie burn, monitor my sleep behavior, display time, date, and also notifies me for text messages, calls, calendar events, and alarms. It also pairs back to the Health Mate app to display a larger picture of your progress by setting benchmark goals. This thing packs a whole functional punch!

Screenshot of Health Mate app from Nokia Health. © TNG

I’ve been wearing the Steel HR now for a few weeks and am amazed that I haven’t had to charge it in about 17 days. It’s hiked with me at Runyon Canyon, played catch in the park, and has bouldered with me at the indoor climbing park — my latest obsession. Thanks to the digital watch display and Health Mate app, I’m able to track my activity goals and hold myself accountable for not sitting in front of a computer all day.

Taking my Steel HR to Runyon Canyon to track my hiking progress. © TNG

To learn more, check out the line up of Nokia Health activity trackers here.

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Picture of Anthony Mastracci

Anthony Mastracci

Lover of pasta dishes and burritos equally.


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