This post is sponsored by REI but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
REI guided outdoor experiences got us back to the water and out of our laptops.
When people talk about Los Angeles, words like “beach,” “ocean,” and “coastal” usually follow closely. I moved to Los Angeles with these concepts in mind, looking forward to experiencing them more frequently. As irony goes, I rarely get involved with anything of that nature because I’m always so damn buried in work!
Recently, The Next Gentleman partnered up with REI for one of their Guided Outdoor Experiences to get back to the outdoors and just do something different and get away from work.
It’s been an uphill battle managing my day job and blog work and, most hours of the day, my head is buried in my laptop. When REI reached out asking me to come join them in Oxnard, CA for a day of kayaking, it was as if they could hear the silent struggle inside my head.

On Sunday October 14th, after days of non-stop work and shooting, TNG photographer, Fabian and I drove out to Oxnard’s Channel Islands Boating Center to meet REI for a beginner kayaking experience and to get back outside.The concept of this is exactly what desk-workers, like myself, need. REI has set up experiences all over the country to help people “learn” how to do fun activities outdoors. Some of these activities are really awesome — rock climbing, stand-up paddle boarding, a workshop on bike chains, etc. They will teach you, step-by-step, the basics of the activities and also important things you need to know along the way.
Brittany and George, our kayak instructors were informative, thorough, and most importantly, patient! They went over the basic techniques of things like holding a paddle correctly and made sure to teach us the most important safety tips, like how to properly fasten your life vest and how to prop yourself back into the kayak if you happen to fall out.

After our small group ran through paddling drills, we set off through the harbor for a nice, relaxing kayak (is it a kayak ride? A kayak paddle?). Once I found a rhythm with my paddle, I immediately zoned out and found this sense of relief that only comes with stepping away from work.
I didn’t snap out of it until we came across a dock COMPLETELY full of sea lions! I love seeing wildlife, I think it’s one of the coolest things to just stop and observe animals in their natural habitat. This was particularly interesting because sea lions seems to loaf around exactly like I do on my couch with Hulu! Just one thing we have in common, I thought it was cool.
The rest of the day was spent traveling up and down the harbor, spying on what is suspected to be James Cameron’s house, and relay-racing each other to see who’s paddling skills are superior.
We left saying the same thing — “when can we go back,” and “how much are kayaks?” We had an absolute blast getting back outside, using our senses, and not staring at screens. We’re looking forward to our next adventure out with REI!
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